Webinar: Break through the burden of Cow’s Milk Allergy
Key takeaways
Nutricia’s Paediatric Allergy Sessions June 2022:
- Watch 5 key presentations from our International Allergy experts as they Break through the burden of Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA).
- Enjoy the Q&A sessions hosted by our local multidisciplinary expert panel after each presentation.
Tune in, sit back, and relax while Nutricia delivers the latest evidence and guidance on paediatric food allergy via sessions with leading global experts.
They discuss CMA and the relevance of immunity and infections, gut modulation, living with food allergy, the impact of the Covid pandemic and why allergy is on Australia’s political agenda.
International guest speakers include Prof Gary Wong, Dr Rosan Meyer, Dr Rebecca Stratton and Dr Vicki McWilliam.

Maria Said | CEO of Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA); Registered Nurse; Co-chair of the National Allergy Strategy– Why Allergy is on Australia’s political agenda.
Prof Gary Wong | Professor and Honorary Consultant in the Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong– Living with COVID: What has been the impact of the COVID pandemic on paediatric food allergy?
Dr Rosan Meyer | Paediatric Dietitian; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, London & KU Leuven- CMA, immunity and infections – what does the latest information tell us?
Dr Rebecca Stratton | Honorary Research Fellow, University of Southampton; Medical Director at Nutricia– Can we improve the management of CMA through modulating the gut microbiota?
Dr Vicki McWilliam | Senior Allergy Dietitian, The Royal Children’s Hospital; Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne- Patient/parent perspective, living with food allergy. In discussion: Dietitian and 2 parents.