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Data Collection Notice Thank you for your interest in Nutricia. Nutricia Australia Pty Limited ABN 99076246752, collects your personal information and any other information you voluntarily provide to us (this may include health information), for the purposes of answering your pregnancy or parenting questions; processing your enquiries relating to our site and our products or services; and providing […]
Responsible Marketing Declaration 1). Responsible marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes (BMS) Danone’s subsidiaries in Australia and New Zealand commit to comply to the following principles pursuant to the company’s BMS Policy: Acknowledge the importance of, and commit to the principles of, the WHO Code and subsequent relevant WHA resolutions. Support the WHO’s global public health […]
Storing your expressed breastmilk can make those times you need to be away from your baby easier. Here’s how to do it safely. Work or life can mean you need to be away from your baby from time to time. Having a supply of pumped and properly stored breastmilk on hand can help minimise disruptions […]
Seek medical attention as early as you can.
Try to pump at your baby’s normal feeding times to help keep your milk production on track. If this isn’t possible, then express the same number of feeds to maintain your supply. A breast feeding diary or app can help, so you know how many feeds to express to keep your body in sync with […]
Try to avoid expressing for the first four to six weeks of breast feeding, unless you will be returning to work straight away. This is an important time for establishing supply and getting in tune with your baby’s needs. You might be interested in
Electric or manual pumps create suction to pull and release your nipple and extract milk from your breast, much like a baby does. The best pump for you will depend on your personal situation and preference. Some choices include: Hospital grade pump – these can be hired from hospital or purchased, with newer brands making them […]
If your baby isn’t gaining weight or producing enough wet and dirty nappies, here are some things you can do to help improve your milk supply: Relax – easier said than done, but your ‘let-down’ reflex works best when you are relaxed. Frequent feeds – to boost your supply, feed your baby more frequently. In the first few […]